SITC - Saudi Industrial Tools Company
SITC stands for Saudi Industrial Tools Company
Here you will find, what does SITC stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Saudi Industrial Tools Company? Saudi Industrial Tools Company can be abbreviated as SITC What does SITC stand for? SITC stands for Saudi Industrial Tools Company. What does Saudi Industrial Tools Company mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in Jeddah, Makkah.
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Alternative definitions of SITC
- Standard International Tariff Classification
- SPAWAR Information Technology Center
- Standard International Trade Classification
- Sustainable Internet Training Center
- Sindicato Independiente de Trabajadores de Citroen
- Standard International Trade Classification
- Summer in the City
- signal integrated test cycle
View 41 other definitions of SITC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SBS Steele Benefit Services
- SSV Support Services of Virginia
- SES Spectra Electrical Services
- SMCS St. Matthew Catholic School
- SSA Southern Seawater Alliance
- STAS Schur Technology A/S
- SEEPCL Sterling Exploration and Energy Production Company Limited
- SPD Selma Police Department
- SFI Sandel Foods Inc.
- SSF Swiss Startup Factory
- SMI Speakeasy Marketing Inc.
- SCG S. Chand Group
- SIMM Singapore Institute of Materials Management
- SMCL Southern Medical Clinic Limited
- SHH St Helena Hospice
- SAA Saskatoon Airport Authority
- SEI Swiderski Equipment Inc.
- SHA Seymour Harris Architecture
- SUSD Sierra Unified School District